"…a highly accomplished dancer…made the whole event an ineffable artistic effusion of cosmic energy."
-- Ballet Review, 2012

Born in Hong Kong, Christopher Chu started dancing and has never stopped since he moved to Taiwan in 1982. Chu is the founding member of Ku & Dancers, the only professional dance company in Taiwan devoted to the development and exploration of improvisation dance performance. He is also a founding member of the Performing Arts Alliance in Taiwan. On a parallel track, he has worked as a project manager of an engineering consultant company in Taipei for twenty-three years, in charge of hundreds of successful projects nationwide scaling from million to billion of dollars. Since 2010 he has been invited to be the Taiwan representative of Mirramu Creative Arts Pty. Ltd. (Australia), coordinating the company's projects in Taiwan. Active as a freelance dancer, choreographer and dance teacher, Chu is currently a PhD student at the School of Dance of Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), from where he received his MFA majoring in choreography. His research focus is the body and philosophy in improv dance as performance. His academic brilliance has brought him twice the Graduate Scholarship from TNUA and also a special scholarship as a visiting scholar to Ohio State University, USA.
With a thirty-year experience in Contact Improvisation (CI), Chu is considered the first-generation successor of this practice in Taiwan. Trained or influenced directly by the pioneers of CI, including Steve Paxton, Nancy S. Smith, Kirstie Simson, etc., he has been teaching CI in many universities, groups and dance companies in Taiwan and abroad since the late 90s.
Profiting from his engineering background, Chu also found interest in digital imagery programming and real-time interactive dance and has created dance and technology works since 2005. With the capability of speaking dance and technology languages, he has supported many interdisciplinary collaborations.
The review in Ballet Review (summer 2012) best depicts his dance performance: He made the whole event an ineffable artistic effusion of cosmic energy. He seemed a young Lao Tsu, revealing his belief that dance can achieve harmony.

2018 Current Ph.D. Student of the School of Dance, TNUA
2017 MFA (choreography) of Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)
2014 Visiting scholar at Department of Dance, OSU: an exchange program between School of Dance, TNUA and Department of Dance, OSU
1986 Bachelor of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University (NTU)

Teaching Experience
2023: Contact Festival Freiburg teacher
2022~present: Guest lecturer of Arts Center, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Yangming Campus
2017: CI instructor of Department of Acrobatics and Dance, National Taiwan College of Performing Arts and guest lecturer of Department of Sport Performing Arts, University of Taipei (UT)
2016~2018: CI instructor of Center for Arts Resources and Educational Outreach, TNUA
2016~2017: Guest lecturer of Center for Reflective Writing, Taipei Medical University
2015~2016: Course Instructor of Q-Place Performance Workshop, Taipei
2008~2012: CI instructor of Sun-Shier Dance Theatre
2008~2010: CI instructor of Paramita Dance Studio
2001~present: Kudance Sunday Jam organizer and facilitator
1995~present: Dance instructor of Modern Dance Club of National Taiwan University teaching CI, choreography and improv dance performance
1993~present: CI instructor of Ku & Dancers

Additional Professions
2018~present: Administrative Director of Ku & Dancers
1993~present: Dancer and Technical Master of Ku & Dancers, since establishment
2011~2012: Director, Perfoming Arts Alliance, Taiwan
2010~2020: Taiwan Representative of Mirramu Creative Arts Pty. Ltd. (Australia)
1997: Rehearsal master of Grace Shiao Dance Theatre
1986~2009: Project Manager of Chien-Hwa Engineering Consultant Inc., Taiwan

Recent Choreography
2019 Equiflux, i-dance Taipei 2019
2017 Where I'm Where I'm Not Where I Am, i-lab 2017 and NTU 40th “Hwacheng Dance Gala”
2016 “LOST”, MFA graduate production, TNUA, integrating five dance works including screendance, set choreography and improvisation
2015 Lake Reverie, Fortuity project, collaboration with Elizabeth C. Dalman, Canberra, Australia
2014 Talks of the City, Mullae Artist Village Residency, Seoul, South Korea
2014 Memory Lost No.2, Monday Night Dances, OSU
2013 Memory Lost and Dreams Lost, the 3rd Nil-Dance Dance Festival
2012 One Sixth of Lost and Six Talks In School, the 2nd Nil-Dance Dance Festival
2010 One Twelfth of No-Dance, the 1st Nil-Dance Dance Festival
2009 Scene of People - the Gaze, Sun-Shier Salon by Sun-Shier Dance Theatre
2009 Scene of People - the Story and Monologue, NTU Hwacheng Dance Gala
2008 Déjà vu II
2005 Whisper, NTU Hwacheng Dance Gala
2004 Lin-shen Journey, NTU Hwacheng Dance Gala
*Please contact for works prior 2004.

2021 TNUA-ology: Continuous Writing award
2020 Graduate Scholarship from TNUA
2019 TNUA-ology: Continuous Writing award
2013 Scholarship of Abroad Study from Education Bureau, Taiwan - as visiting scholar to Ohio State University in 2014.
2013 Award for Cross-Gender Study Project from TNUA; videodance UNTOLD
2012 Graduate Scholarship from TNUA

"In the long history of humankind (and animal kind too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed."
Charles Darwin
"...improvisers make choices, but they are made by decisions."