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Professor Emerita, Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts. She received the MFA from the University of Illinois, USA. Yunyu is a founding dancer of Cloud Gate (CG) Theatre and danced with CG between 1973 – 81. Wang is a certified Labanotation Teacher (1984), Restager (1985) and Laban Movement Analysis (1996). She restaged 26 master dances from Labanotation and choreographed 21 dances for dance companies and the university dance programs internationally. She directed the $1.5 million dance technology project funded by the Ministry of Economic, Taiwan, using Laban Movement Analysis to understand human body motion and emotion. Through the project, she has created and sold three patents for health industry. She writes the issue in dance about Taiwanese female choreographers, human rights, and for elderly and community. Wang was the President of World Dance Alliance, Asian-Pacific (2009-2017) and was the Chief Production Director of 2017 Universiade in Taipei. Currently, she is the CEO of Chinlin Foundation for Arts and Culture and is the Distinguish Professor at Beijing Dance Academy.


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