Visualization of moving body in Classical Ballet
Class Description
With classical ballet structure and movement, the content of this session will be focusing on the body coordination, the weight shifting and core alignment balance. The awareness of space moving, energy flow of breathe and knowledge of dimensional usages to create the classical form in motion language of ballet. Linking the lines of human body and constructing the movements within melody of piano music aside. Seeking the style in a pleasant training in logical methodology.

Li-chuan Lin
Full-Time Lecturer at Taipei National University of the Arts. Founder and artistic director of Collision Motion Lab (CMLab). Company Ballet Instructor with Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan. A Taiwan native, Lin held MFA degree in Dance Choreography from Taipei National University of the Arts and BFA degree from SUNY Purchase with awarded of the Chancellor’s award from Student Excellence plus The Bert Terboragh Dance Award. He has professionally danced as principal dancer with American Repertory Ballet (2003-2007) and soloist with Atlanta Ballet (2007-2008).In education, Lin have been teaching and choreographing ballet repertories in pre professional dance education since 2009. In 2011, Lin participated in New Choreographer Project by Meimage Dance with his own work, Under Frame. In 2013 with Nimbus Dance Works’ invitation, he performed Huang Yi’s Shadow of Sound at the Ailey Citigroup Theater in New York. In 2015, he choreographed and premiered a ballet (The Carnival of the Animals) in the production of the Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival. Lin also participated as choreographer with 2009 World Game and 2017 FISU opening ceremony in several section of the program. Lin founded Collision Motion Lab in 2013 and produced two productions of his own (Collision Motion Lab I.) and (Collision Motion Lab II. – Diary of Events). With CMLab he also started an event series for female choreographers (Silk Project) in 2015.