Seeing the flow of space, hearing the pulsation of time
Class Description
As a teacher, Lucas focuses on the connection between music and dance while exploring ways of experiencing space. He uses varied aural and rhythmic stimuli to help dancers explore their musicality while simultaneously challenging each dancer's agility, physicality, and mental landscape by pushing their coordination in hopes of discovering and developing movements outside of habit. Lucas' technique which incorporates leaps, slides, spins, and flow is developed from a combination of contemporary dance, ballet, martial arts, and hip-hop. The progression of this class will include a warm-up, strength training, and a final combination.

Lucas Kao
Lucas Kao was born in Taiwan. Currently, he is a teacher/choreographer in dance division of Tso-Ying senior high school, Taiwan. He was a lecturer in the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts of Burapha University, Thailand. A dancer with Compagnie Käfig in France from 2011 to 2018, he has choreographed for many dance programs at educational institutions in Taiwan. He has taught dance workshops in America, Cambodia, France, Netherlands, Turkey, Nepal, Singapore, Korea, Thailand and Taiwan.